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用户流失是流媒体服务不可避免的现实, and much of the strategic thinking that goes into trying to make SVOD profitable focuses on how to minimize its impact, 无论是通过提供更多的内容, 整合广告层, 或者进入各种捆绑场景. 那么2024年哪些是可行的,哪些是无效的? Five leading M & 分析师,首席执行官埃文·夏皮罗, ESHAPPaul Erickson,创始人兼校长 埃里克森的策略 & Insights,高级分析师奥菲丽·布考德, DataxisAlan Wolk,联合创始人/首席分析师 TVREV和校长兼创始人Jon Giegengack, Hub娱乐研究, discuss current strategies to ward off churn-pocalypse in this clip from 流媒体连接2024.

夏皮罗说,在外面 Netflix在美国,“搅拌末日”实际上是一场生存危机.” Regarding the types of bundles that may help solve the churn issues, he says, “There are interesting bundles and then there are less interesting bundles. 友敌之间有一种捆绑,对吧? 彩带本身. 但是你再看看 Verizon 与Netflix捆绑 Max…that feels like a more protective shell than just a bunch of video services ganging up together.”

Erickson argues that service providers should see themselves as more than just cable TV or broadband providers but as providers of connectivity and convenience. “Maybe billing and subscription aggregation with a little bit of revenue share is a way in which they're a conduit,” he says. “他们不需要给你送电视. 它们是你消费任何你想要的东西的入口. They also may provide the broadband connection over which you consume all that stuff, but they're happy to let you have one bill and one consolidated relationship.”

夏皮罗指出,这种模式是成功的核心 Amazon Prime. He says this business approach will be table stakes for most players going forward.

Boucaud discusses some of the recent major bundlings in the European market, 尤其是由广告级别驱动的. “例如,我们收到了来自 myCANAL in France, which was really discounted during Christmas time,” she says. “我记得花25欧元就能买到Netflix, Disney Plus, DAZN包括运河,这是一个优质的娱乐中心. 所以我想晋升是六个月, but still, 价格真的很贵。, 对这么多东西来说真的很低, and that's only because they can sort of gain traction from the at tier and take down the prices thanks to that. 这很有趣.”

沃尔克说,虽然提供商不再从付费电视中赚钱, whatever type of bundle they can offer now – whether traditional pay TV or streaming – does not matter as long as they can make money. “对他们来说都是一样的,”他说. He mentions the transformative Charter and Disney settlement as a type of compromise.

Still, Shapiro says, “他们流失了相当数量的订户, I think, 结果就是超出了正常水平, 他们不会再回来了.他推测…的潜力 Xumo to gain a competitive advantage over Prime due to its reach and the value demographics of its users. “你说的是美国6000万宽带家庭, the most valuable consumer homes probably on Earth and in all main markets,” he says. “It does feel like they have an opportunity to bundle a television set with a suite of services. That feels like a competitive advantage that very few people other than an Amazon Prime have in the US right now.”

Giegengack outlines some of the issues that Hub娱乐研究 has found for consumers when they deal with bundling. “其中之一是成本, but the other, 哪个同样大, 仅仅是他们的使用能力吗,” he says, “So, complexity. 也有很多人说, ‘I don't add another streaming subscription because I can't afford it.’ 也有很多人说, ‘I don't add one because I just wouldn't be able to use it.’ Or it's too complicated to manage all these individual relationships. I think what both of you guys have just said is exactly right: that the pay TV companies have this huge opportunity to aggregate lots of different things together,包括云游戏.

He mentions Verizon +play 作为一个成功的捆绑/聚合业务的好例子. “There isn't actually any content at all associated with that,” he says. “All they're doing is making it easier for you to use all the subscriptions that you already have in one place. And just that process of simplification is valuable enough that in our surveys, many people say that they would be willing to pay for something like that, 即使它本身没有任何内容. We did one survey where there were people who said they would pay more for a smaller bundle of TV networks if it was just the networks that they use.”

See videos of the full program from Streaming Media Connect February 2024 here.

我们将于2024年5月20日至22日亲自回来参加纽约流媒体大会. 更多细节请点击这里.

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