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The CTV viewing experience continues to evolve as new UX developments arise. 仍然, many experts and users agree that the experience is essentially broken, with too much choice and too little personalization as users’ #1 complaint, 离它该去的地方还远着呢. 根据 谷歌电视 高级工程总监Shobana Radhakrishnan在她 流媒体连接 主题, the critical challenge is understanding what viewers want and letting that drive other decisions.


Radhakrishnan notes that simplifying paid and free content discovery is the key to a better TV experience for users. “The TV experience has come a long way, but it's still kind of broken,” she says. “[Users] are not sure what to watch, where to watch it, what is free, what they have to buy. 免费应用程序,有线电视提供商,直播电视,点播电视. 选择太多了. I've actually heard people say where things were better with cable. 感觉简单多了. We want to fix this experience so that people spend less time searching and more time relaxing with a good show, 他们可以很容易地看到免费内容的位置.”

Google’s Unified Approach to Integrating Capabilities and Content

“We came up with a TV experience and a free content experience that brings together capabilities and content from Google search, 谷歌的助理, YouTube上电视Radhakrishnan说. “We also have several third-party integrations included in our offerings. 想想生态系统, 直观地, 把流媒体业务想象成一个飞轮是很有用的. 第一步是核心. It's to have that delightful user experience where they love what they see. 他们不断回到平台. So, we need to create that returning user satisfaction level, which le广告 to high engagement. Combining that with large-scale means we deliver the device and platform quality for global devices. 所以我们需要在低端经营, 中低端, 高端市场能够提供内容和, 因此, 广告.”

The Importance of Personalization Based on Regional Preferences to Build Credibility

“When you combine this with the ability to personalize for the user based on regional preferences, then there is a foundation of credibility that we have with the user where we can start moving into monetization in the form of 广告, 尤其是流媒体广告, 比如FAST模型, because instream 广告 are technically like an interruption for the userRadhakrishnan说. “So you really need to build that credibility from the platform perspective before that feels like a meaningful balance to the users. 再一次。, 因为人们在平台上发现了免费内容的价值, we see time and time again in our user service that having access to free content is a big part of satisfaction. 所以当飞轮运转良好时, the business can start making the opportunity for itself to reinvest into further scale, 为用户进一步创新, 然后通过展示广告进一步吸引眼球. 然后飞轮继续运动.”

完整的会议 来自流媒体连接2023年11月. We'll be back in person for 纽约流媒体 on May 20-22, 2024. 更多细节请点击这里.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

Q&A: Adtaxi's 聪聪Woronoff Says Streaming TV Levels Have Surpassed 80% of U.S. 2024年的成年人

Adtaxi的一份新报告, 美国发展最快的数字营销机构之一, has revealed that more Americans than ever are now defaulting to streaming as their primary viewing content source. 聪聪Woronoff, Agency Director - Marketing 研究 and Consumer Insights at Adtaxi, spoke with 流媒体's 泰勒Nesler about many specific aspects of the report and what the findings reveal about the current state of streaming as the industry continues to evolve rapidly.


谷歌电视 Senior Director of Engineering Shobana Radhakrishnan discusses ongoing shifts in M&E content consumption like the growth of CTV and streaming relative to traditional linear broadcast, 流媒体内容市场的持续分化, how the transition to more advertising-based monetization models will impact the overall revenue picture in 2024-26 in this clip from her 流媒体连接 keynote.


How much choice is too much choice for OTT media and entertainment consumers? Is content and channel overwhelm ruining the user experiences for OTT audiences who just want to find something to watch? 更多的是捆绑解决方案? Find out what Media Cartographer Evan Shapiro and Applicaster Co-founder Jonathan Laor have to say on the subject in this clip from 流媒体连接2023.


How do you measure what's working and what isn't in OTT user experience design? Vevo的艾琳·杰克逊报道, 哈特贝特的索兰·斯特里克林, Philo's Thijs Lowette identify their UX KPIs of choice in this panel from 流媒体 West 2022.


What are the best ways to improve the OTT user experience, especially for FAST platforms? Four industry experts weigh in on specific areas that could use improvement and streamlining in order to improve the overall UX for OTT subscribers with both targeted advertising and programming.


谷歌电视 Senior Director of Engineering Shobana Radhakrishnan discusses 谷歌电视's strategy for personalizing recommendations and enhancing the OTT user experience in this clip from 流媒体 West Connect 2021.