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What's the Best Chunk Size for Low-Latency 在线直播?

低延迟流的最佳块大小取决于基于不同用例的许多因素, and there is often a need for compromise and tradeoffs. Nadine Krefetz, Consultant, 现实的软件, Contributing Editor, 流媒体, 本文向三位行业专家询问了他们对平台特定需求的块大小偏好.

“We have somewhere like four to six seconds right now,” says Pankaj Chaudhari, Architect - Video Delivery, 迪斯尼流. “There are many different tradeoffs to consider here. And though if the chunk size of the segment size is too low, obviously you are trying to get to a lower hand waving latency, glass-to-glass latency. The tradeoff is that now you have many connections, many requests are being sent to the protocol, the workflow becomes a little bit chatty, 每秒钟有很多请求进入. 但与此同时,你在片段中插入了很多关键帧. Every segment starts with a keyframe. And so the smaller the segment size, 在回放过程中会有更多的关键帧. 从成本的角度来看,这可能效率不高,因为要传输的比特数更多.”

乔杜里还指出,迪士尼并没有真正的低延迟用例. “这就是 WebRTC is not in use for us,” he says. “[So] four to six [seconds] kind of finds the nice, 最佳点,其中我们有大量字节被添加到有效负载的平衡, to the segments from a coding point of view, but also achieve reasonable latency.”

Krefetz对数字产品、平台和广告技术经理Jonas Ribeiro说, 环球, “You've got a lot of different things that you're supporting. Why don't you give us a little bit of background on that?”

里贝罗说:“直播时长为六七秒. “我们在这里有一场战斗,因为我既做电视广播,也做直播. 我认为延迟播放与直播同时播放更容易, but this is not possible. For soccer games, we have a product that we call Premiere.他说,由于更高的技术要求,这是一种更昂贵的产品. It delivers in two-second chunk sizes to reduce latency. 他表示:“这只是为了给这些订阅者提供更好的体验,而且效果很好。. “但当你看到直播和直播时,就不一样了, and I believe that is going to be a quite challenge, because it's a tradeoff.”

Imran Maskatia, VP of Product Development, Evoca电视, talks about the chunk size requirements for Evoca. “We use two-second segment sizes,” he says. “我们这样做的原因是为了更快地换台,因为作为一种电视服务, we find a lot of people flipping channels, 当你这样做的时候,能够更快地开始对我们的客户来说很重要.他还提到,他最近在韩国读到了一份研究报告. “他们做了一大堆实验,从四分之一秒到五秒,从经验上看一切, 十秒. 据说,他们说最优的片段大小权衡了带宽, for fast channel change, 等., was somewhere around 0.9秒.”

“And that’s in the ATSC 3.0环境?克雷费兹问道.

“That’s in the ATSC 3.0 context, right, for channel change,” Maskatia says. “所以很明显,这是一个特定的范围和用例,但这是一个权衡.”

Learn more about chunk size and low-latency streaming at 流媒体 West 2022.

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