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eCDNs and Optimizing Hybrid Event QoS and QoE

企业流媒体制作和交付高参与度和高可靠性的混合事件的最佳方式是什么?这些事件可以像服务现场参与者一样有效地服务流媒体受众? The answer combines art and science, strategy, and tech. 安迪·霍华德,创始人 & 董事总经理, 霍华德 & 的同事, discusses this topic with Mike Newman, CEO, MediaPlatform, and Dan Swiney, Head of Media Engineering, LinkedIn.

Andy 霍华德 asks Mike Newman, “What are your customers asking you guys to innovate in the next few years?”

Newman专注于如何为虚拟和面对面的观众优化混合体验. “You’re trying to deal with fluidity他说。, pointing out that audiences now comprise a wide range of settings, such as someone in a car, at a conference audience, or in a corporate meeting. 什么最重要?, 他认为, is optimizing engagement, especially for live audiences at hybrid events. “Can they participate in the Q&A,投票?他说. “Can they vote their sentiments? 他们是否觉得自己获得了与一些在线参与者相同的体验? 真正的诀窍是无论那个人在哪里居住或观看,都要有适当的参与度,而且不要损害你可能已经习惯的在线演示的其他方面. 例如, 跟踪, 监控, 分析, quality of service 监控, security authentication.”

纽曼指出,快速变化的一个因素是对企业内容交付网络(eCDN)公司的收购. “你有 Peer5 收购 微软他说。. “They're embedding the distribution technology and teams. 这是一个创新的领域,你将能够聚集一些真正关键的服务质量, 指标, and some real-time 监控 that's kind of holistic across CDNs. You'll be able to do some really interesting things with silent testing, very interesting things with failover.” He jokes that those things may be as “glamorous as getting your chimney swept,但即便如此, 它们是必不可少的. “For day-to-day successfully delivering content to tens of thousands of people, it's mission-critical他说。. “And it's an area where under the umbrella of hybrid, 我们在与微软等公司的合作中投入了大量时间和资金.”

Dan Swiney of LinkedIn emphasizes that eCDNs are still crucial, 即使参与者没有完全返回到现场内容交付基础设施. “The question does come up with our eCDN, ‘Do we need it?’”他说. “It turns out it has lots of other valuable features, like [Newman] talked about, 分析 and failover and other features that we actually do need.” Swiney says that even though LinkedIn is not using their onsite campus as often, “这是你必须站出来的事情,因为你不希望你的It人员在你登上一个没有eCDN功能或类似解决方案的平台后敲门.”

霍华德 readily agrees with all of these points. “I've heard a couple different people say, ‘I don't need an eCDN anymore. 我想,好吧,最终人们会开始回到办公室. And when they are in the office, not only are they doing webcasts and webinars, but they're also doing video conferencing他说。. “So there's a tremendous amount of increased video on the network, and you really need to get ahead of that to make sure that your events don't fail. We don’t want to go back to the early 2000s when you have a big webcast, and it went down because you decided to decommission your eCDN.”

Learn more about eCDNs at 流媒体 East 2023.

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现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

是什么 Hybrid Event Streaming in 2023?

随着流媒体在大流行时期进入一种新常态,这与任何人的预期都不完全一样, 过去几年出现的混合事件流生产和交付的含义还在不断发展. 那么,对于制作人、组织和观众,无论是现场还是远程,这在2023年意味着什么呢? 主播可以做些什么来为来自远近的参与者提供公平的竞争环境? In this clip from their recent panel at 流媒体 Connect 2023, LiveX的安娜·考德里报道, Ohio State's Derrick 免费的man, Boston 25 新闻's Ben Ratner, Stream4us' Anthony Burokas, 和霍华德 & 的同事的Andy 霍华德讨论了2023年混合赛事视频的最佳定义和最佳实践.

Multi-CDN Best Practices for Optimizing Performance and Reducing Latency

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How to Distribute Workloads in Hybrid Streaming Environments

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How to Serve Your Digital Audience Better in Hybrid Events

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How to Choose the Right Platform for Your Hybrid Event

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How Disney and EvocaTV Approach Streaming QoS and QoE

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When Is Low Latency Critical to Streaming QoE?

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体验质量和. QoS

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